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An National Level Techno Cultural Fest


Our Mission

We are a technical university department focused on advancing the fields of artificial intelligence and data science. Our goal is to develop cutting-edge technologies and systems that can perform complex tasks requiring human intelligence.

AI & DS Research

Our department is at the forefront of AI & DS research. We explore new algorithms, models, and systems to improve the capabilities of machines and advance the field.

AI & DS Applications

Our department develops versatile and innovative applications of AI & DS technologies that can be applied in various industries and fields.

AI & DS Education

Our department offers comprehensive education and training programs in AI & DS. We aim to equip our students with the necessary skills and knowledge to become leaders in the field.

AI & DS Community

Our department is committed to building a strong AI & DS community. We collaborate with other institutions, organizations, and businesses to advance the field.

AI & DS Services

Our department offers a wide range of AI & DS services, including data analysis, machine learning, natural language processing, computer vision, robotics, and more. We provide unprecedented velocity and impeccable reliability for all our services.

Our Impact


Years of Experience


Research Projects




AI & DS Labs


AI & DS Courses

Our Clubs

Join Us in Advancing AI & DS

We welcome individuals and organizations who share our passion for advancing the fields of artificial intelligence and data science. Join us in our mission to develop cutting-edge technologies and systems that can transform the world.

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